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About Me

About Me

Keighley Bradford is an Australian romance author and creative industries professional based in Newcastle NSW. She has a Master of Creative Industries, specializing in Writing, Publishing, and Marketing. Her background is in creative writing, 
arts administration, copywriting and editing, and social media marketing.

Keighley is passionate about supporting the arts community, working and volunteering in the Hunter literary scene at festivals and local writers’ organisations. She is the Memberships, Publishing, and Marketing Officer at Hunter Writers Centre.

Keighley is undoubtedly a perfectionist who spends most of her time stuck behind her laptop working. Over the years, her short-fiction pieces have been published and won several awards. In her spare time, you’ll find her drinking hot coffee at a local cafe,
or binge-watching a new series on Netflix.

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Contact Me

Think you might have a project that I'd be interested me? I'd love to hear about it! 

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